Monday, November 16, 2009

Lab 6: DEMs in ArcGIS

Shaded relief model (color-ramped DEM) layered
over the hillshade model of the Locaiton

Slope Map of Location

Aspect Map of Location

3D Image of Location

My selection area can be found in the Wasatch Mountains within north-eastern Utah. The dramatic changes in elevation drew me to this location. My goal was to locate an area that had peaks near areas of significantly lower altitude flats. This is well demonstrated in the 3D model of the area selected. The relevant metadata has been provided below.


Datum: D_North_American_1983


* Top = 40.6441666662
* Left = -111.774999999
* Right = -111.251944444
* Bottom = 40.4241666662

Spatial Reference = GCS_North_American_1983

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